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The United States and the West are waging a mixed war against Russia

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According to the report of TASS News Agency on December 27, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said in an interview with the media a few days ago that the United States and Western countries continue to send weapons to Ukraine and have become a participant in the Russian Ukrainian conflict.

Lavrov also said that the western policy aimed at comprehensively containing Russia is extremely dangerous, which may lead to direct armed conflict between nuclear powers.

Russian Foreign Minister: NATO member states have actually become participants in the Russian Ukrainian conflict

Lavrov said that NATO members have actually become participants in the Russian Ukrainian conflict. In addition to continuously sending weapons to Ukraine, western countries also send mercenaries and military instructors to participate in Ukrainian operations. The United States also provides real-time satellite and other reconnaissance intelligence to Ukraine. The United States is doing its best to make the conflict between Russia and Ukraine more intense and violent. The United States Department of Defense has been increasing the spending standard for weapons delivery to Ukraine, and has asked its allies to do the same. Since February, Uzbekistan has obtained more than 40 billion dollars of western weapons, which is equivalent to the defense budget of many European countries.

Lavrov said that the European Union followed the steps of the United States and NATO to impose sanctions on Russia. In fact, the Western countries led by the United States are waging a mixed war against Russia. To this end, Russia will not consider launching any joint projects with the EU.

Russian Foreign Minister: Western policies aggravate the risk of direct conflict between nuclear powers

In addition, Lavrov also said that the Western policy aimed at comprehensively containing Russia is extremely dangerous, which may lead to direct armed conflict between nuclear powers. Lavrov pointed out in the interview that irresponsible speculation about “Russia will use nuclear weapons against Ukraine” is emerging in the West, while the Russian side has completely different views. Russia has repeatedly reiterated that there is no winner in the nuclear war and that “no nuclear war can be launched”. At the same time, however, the rhetoric of Western politicians on this issue has become increasingly acute. Russia is “deeply concerned” about the hype around nuclear weapons by the United States and the West as a whole.

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Post time: Dec-28-2022